Monthly Archives: April 2002

still in high school

my life is a high school girls fantasy. All I am doing is working out (I have lost 5 pounds) talking to boys and laughing with my girlfriends about asses. all they same things I was concerned about in highschool, except now I have a nice car and all my friends can stay out as late as they want. Read more →

more like me.

Hiking leaves me feeling refreshed and good. I am happy with my life. I have almost finished my infinite tasks and am glad. It is good to feel. Of course, it is easy for me to say right now, because today I am feeling well. But, feeling is important. I have worked so fucking hard to feel, that I am… Read more →

hey asshole!

today in the parking lot at ralph's I hear this “hey asshole” apparently some guy pulled into another guys space. These two gentlemen were only about 5 yards apart. It stuck me that people will say things from their cars that they would never say if they were just walking down the street, or at work, or having dinner. Read more →


It has made me think of all the ideas I have had, how I have discounted them and made myself practical. Made myself practical because I thought if I didn't I wouldn't survive, now I realize that parts of me have not. gone so dormant that they have atrophed. time to wake-up. Read more →

my new hero

my new hero is I don't know who my last hero was or if I had one. Today I went to a lecture and it was so inspiring it brought tears to my eyes. Harrell Fletcher does the most amazing shit! It makes my attempts at building community seem so superficial and piddily assed. such as ” “S” is… Read more →