My dad had big ideas about who he wanted to be who he was, deep inside He also felt small somehow he ended up in the smallest pond and still he was not appreciated. Appreciated enough He couldn’t quite get the big things out of his head so that others could see them The things that people needed he couldn’t… Read more →
Feeding Frenzy
We used to be like sharks at sephora enjoying the high blood and lipstick all strewn about then there was the long white leather jacket with the flowers and the pink leather boots I can’t even remember what I got. The old things don’t work anymore. The Japanese objects the sparkles the blue hair woven into my own. I have… Read more →
every night
She throws herself down against me like she owns me Her fur pressed close to my back Sleeping I feel her whiskers moving Like so many eyelash kisses Read more →
5 years ago in Dallas
We all bought boots the same. I got a skirt that was for hopped-up club kids. We sat in the hot tub and almost got ourselves killed In various ways At the steak house he wouldn’t stop doing cart wheels Or speaking French, even though no one could understand him. She made a girl cry at the table. The girl… Read more →
written in huge scrawling letters on a wall on laurel canyon
“FUCK the dumb” Read more →
I wish they would stop using this word
Main Entry: 1in·sur·gent Function: noun Etymology: Latin insurgent-, insurgens, present participle of insurgere to rise up, from in- + surgere to rise — more at SURGE 1 : a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially : a rebel not recognized as a belligerent 2 : one who acts contrary to the policies and decisions of… Read more →
I know I know. (the answer lies within)
Lately, I have a reoccurring fantasy that I can find information about anything on google. It has become so real to me that I find myself trying…. Sometimes for hours. Why did I get soooo tired today? How can I deal with the insane people in my life? What am I doing with my life? Should I change careers? Explain… Read more →
Something I never told you about
I went to an AA meeting once. It was called “midnight madness†or something like that. It was on Housten just west of 6th avenue in New York. Anyway, I was waiting in a long line to use the bathroom and the guy at the front of the line kept letting all the girls in front of me go ahead… Read more →
good bye
Accidents, beautiful and brutal, lucky and unlucky. A convergence of chemicals and physics, and of circumstances. Of carelessness and beaurocracy and events so powerful that they tug backwards into the deep and the very old. You lived so passionately and made it look good to me to be older than I am. I am sad to see you leave so… Read more →
not like me…..
to not want to do anything. today I just slept and slept and slept then I had some hot sauce. You can never imagine how things will turn out. Read more →
old days in New York
Sleeping train Train of thought Train of sleep I look back at 5 heads bobbing Isn't this terribly funny? Can't you see how funny this is? Today I got on the train It was dead time So it was just me and the man talking to himself he was dressed in Red, white and blue flithy dirty and blathering as… Read more →
The Happy Virus
I caught the happy virus last night When I was out singing beneath the stars. It is remarkably contagious – So kiss me. -Hafiz Read more →
what about ken?
In a 2003 issue of the American Journal of Roentgenology, two Seattle radiologists described a 35-year-old man with severe abdominal pain but normal vital signs, who was found to have “multiple” heads from Barbie dolls lodged in his small bowel, which he attributed to his pursuit of the pleasurable anal sensation he gets from excreting them. After a straight-laced description… Read more →
5 (that is all)
first dominates green, the hand without birdlime, wihout a cap, the easy going sand, the salt, then the promiscious tortoise, the indolent eye, the microphone beating on the abdomen, last responds to woodworm, the doubled stakes. The incessant gum. The finger dipped in oil and albumen, wrapped in sugar paper, nailed to the top of an apron. If one wins… Read more →
If an acute slowness were skin, gusts of leaven mastiffs blue ointment of the rebound, if ones face were white and it's color were to die in the leap, oh yes, exception, in wrinkle and nose, in the diligence of song, in the sudden, in fear that the unfillable distract the ear from the swarming and often millstone of the… Read more →
Here is the mute substance of path, cutting not knowing, desolate cotton on a twig, heart in suspense and wax of encumbrance, and heres the arrow of the seam, pregnant, uphill, here's the interrupted hostage, the fasting, the mallow with feighned eyes. here the indian is defrocked, theft adjacent, the varient thrust back in chimera. Read more →
we were having dinner He says to his 7 year old ” now it is time for you to go take a shower” which is met by a “whaaaaaaaa why do we always have to go by YOUR rules????!!!!!” “Because kids need someone to take care of them” Pause “if you want to see what happens to kids that don't… Read more →
and so crockery, Licorice, swim so spine of egg, so ambush, and then a lampost that nurses, fountain of glue and puncture of cut, and still this squatting of excess, this pinocchio-kneecap inciting the skimmed belly of your death on spread wings, steep in voice, in the void of doubtful thoughts and reprisials of blowgun and fox. If it discolors… Read more →
in the shape of an unharmed almond, of a yellow sponge of a magnet dissolved in a bestairy, in the obscure meanderings of a dagger, in the indolent eye of theft, tongue of exile swarms against the wind. you angle you wheel you chord of mirrors you fortunteller and you transvestite are in labor. -author unknown (I wish I knew) Read more →