
On the boulevard

All the plants and flowers out on the boulevard parading around like prostitutes. The girls around here all painted and up close they look old. Old faces on young bodies… (the bodies can catch up later) Only the dog is sincere and the man with the blue eyes who has work to do. Read more →

small pond

My dad had big ideas about who he wanted to be who he was, deep inside He also felt small somehow he ended up in the smallest pond and still he was not appreciated. Appreciated enough He couldn’t quite get the big things out of his head so that others could see them The things that people needed he couldn’t… Read more →

They were following me

I went to the police station it was my first time in a long time a different world one that movies and books didn’t prepare me for. I was waiting behind her They were following her. Who should she call? When THEY followed her? what if she was on robertson and they followed her? and what about doheny? what should… Read more →

cleaned out

I am clean out of fabulousness you have to be ruthless to be fabulous and you have to brush your hair. It takes a certain amount of motivation that I can’t seem to muster it right now. there are too many cobwebs too many to bat down Technorati Tags: fabulous Read more →

Contrast Girls

Contrast Girls One speaks in swimsuit fashion terms. One says her name is Jane. One reveals pitfalls of self-abuse in the English of her day. When the phone rings this one curses. She has no plans for later. Some girls have names that could be guys’. This one’s a “freak of nature.” This one fancy-pantsed her way across the continent.… Read more →

Feeding Frenzy

We used to be like sharks at sephora enjoying the high blood and lipstick all strewn about then there was the long white leather jacket with the flowers and the pink leather boots I can’t even remember what I got. The old things don’t work anymore. The Japanese objects the sparkles the blue hair woven into my own. I have… Read more →

good looking

There are some good looking people in LA. I don’t mean people that look good, I mean people that are good to look at. People who are on all kinds of trips. People who are depressed and people who are on antidepressants. Not Prozac or Zoloft, but good old fashioned drugs like thorazine. Drugs that make people shuffle. Drugs that… Read more →

1st doctor visit

He was good natured and dignified despite being undressed weighed on a scale and poked in various places. He has gained over a pound since his birth and the doctor assured us that he did like us even though it is hard to tell for sure. The three of us went to Pink’s to celebrate, and sat outside in the… Read more →

in my sleep I bacame stuck

Dream: the door was closing, I put my fingers in the grate to hold it open. As it closed in closed down on my fingers, I thought for a moment that they would be cut off, but it stopped just as it was getting tight. I stood there shouting for help. No one could here me. Words like door: Access.… Read more →


Bagel Cream cheese Lox Chopped liver Cheese blintz With apple sauce And sour cream Pastrami sandwich Russian dressing Tuna on rye With pickles Potato salad Macaroni and cheese Please. I want it all, she knows better than to judge me as she shuffles away with her crew cut, And fancy dangly earrings. I know better than to be impatient with… Read more →