Daily Archives: January 27, 2003

I ching

“the love experience begins when the two are permitted to see, through the intervention of the cosmos, the other's pure and good true selves.Each is permitted to see that the other is his natural and true mate. With this perception comes the knowledge that they fit together in their psychic and physical makeup like a key fitting into a lock.… Read more →

Cast all your votes for Dancing

I know the voice of depression Still calls to you. I know those habits that can ruin your life But you are with the Friend now And look so much stronger. You can stay that way And even bloom! Keep squeezing drops of the Sun From your prayers and work and music And from your companions' beautiful laughter. Keep squeezing… Read more →


I am still in Charleston, where it is very very cold. I am trying to get a second wind for the charm of this city, so that I can finish out my time here in a good way, rather than being in LA in my head and wondering why it is so cold and everyone is so slow and why… Read more →